Your Data Center Problems May Be Everyone’s Data Center Problems
If your organization is struggling to forecast future data center capacity requirements, need to improve your staffing quality, quantity, and retention, and are not maximizing your energy usage and overall costs, you’re far from alone.
In fact, those things make your organization pretty typical.
652 data center supply chain professionals were surveyed for Uptime Institute’s 14th annual Global Data Center Survey. They were asked to isolate the “single largest challenge for the majority of your data center customers.”
The top responses:
23% said forecasting future capacity requirements.
19% most concerned with a lack of qualified staff.
13% answered improving energy performance for facilities equipment.
10% struggle maintaining competitive/cost efficient operations.
10% gave a top choice of improving energy performance for IT.
If those are your problems as well, you’re in good company, as the methodology ensured responses from a cross section of the data center ecosystem. Learn more about the survey, as well as receive an executive summary on it, by visiting Uptime Institute.
Two takeaways from the survey:
There are many worthy tech organizations in the Philadelphia area. If you’ve been too busy to be networking within the data center profession you might want to get back involved with those organizations. Case studies of successful solutions may be waiting for you at the next meetup.
For the many data centers in Eastern Pennsylvania and throughout the Middle Atlantic that are reaching the point of requiring significant capital investment in upgrades, the ability to overcome such common issues should be considered before making that big investment or building anew. Enhancing your strategy to include more colocation and/or cloud may allow your vendors to handle the bulk of the challenges listed.
If you have any thoughts on the survey we’d love to hear about them at We can also share how some of our customers are handling some of these issues both within and outside of the Direct LTx data center.