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Your Guide to the Direct LTx Tech Fair on June 3rd, 2022

Welcome to the official guide for the Direct LTx Tech Fair on June 3rd, 2022: How To Pilot Your Business Through the Storm.

We will be updating this page frequently in the weeks leading up to the event with emerging information on guest speakers and topics, sponsors, food trucks, and more! Please check back or send us an email if you have any questions!


June 3rd, 2022 from 11:30 AM until 4:00 PM at Direct LTx and the Reading Airport.

The event is coinciding with the Reading Airport’s Annual Mid-Atlantic Air Museum WWII Airshow, running the weekend of June 3rd-5th.

You can expect: Flash Tech Talks on topics surrounding disaster recovery, business continuity, and cloud on-ramping (more on that below).

Local food trucks, Data Center Tours, and Complimentary Airshow Tickets, that are good for Friday OR Saturday, OR Sunday!

Attendance to the event is FREE but to help us get a bit of an estimate of attendees, we ask that you please register ahead of the event.

You can register for the event for FREE by clicking here!


It is imperative for all of us to prepare for the worst, but for many the business needs and challenges of today frequently get in the way.    As a result, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity preparedness is frequently a can that gets kicked down the road.   With the threats being faced today, that’s no longer acceptable.

The business continuity and disaster recovery plans of a decade ago may not meet the escalating challenges of today.  With an ever-increasing reliance on IT infrastructure and connectivity to run our businesses, a “Storm of the Century” happening every couple of years, and continuing reports of new threats, organizations are taking a fresh look at their ability to survive and thrive in adverse circumstances.  Specifically, many enterprises are re-calculating their disaster recovery deployments and business continuity plans.

Join us to learn about the latest technologies and solutions to keep your business up and running in the face of what appear to be increasing threats and higher stakes.


The event will feature a keynote address on “Assessing Your Organizational IT Risk Profile” from George Giangi, Chairman of the Business, Industry & Infrastructure Subcommittee for the South Central PA Counterterrorism Task Force. George is a consultant with over 30 years of experience in the field of emergency management, business continuity planning, security, counter-terrorism, critical infrastructure protection, workplace violence prevention, response to armed assailant incidents, and facility vulnerability assessments.

This session will address methods to evaluate the level of risk an organization may encounter for cyber incidents. This will allow the organization to better focus their time and money on those cyber vulnerabilities with higher risk scores. This process will identify the true impact that losses of IT systems will have on other departments. It will also provide a more logical and defensible justification for IT programs and budgets in the future.


Christopher F. Larocca Sr., President & Co-Founder of Technical Environmental Solutions will be talking about Power Conditioning and monitoring and how both can improve efficiency and improve DC security.

Michael Hoffner, Managing Partner, and David Hammarberg, Partner of McKonly & Asbury will be speaking on the Best practices for evaluating a SOC2 report for your organization. In the time frame, you have to review the SOC2 report what are the most important pieces to identify and review.

Josh Hinkle, President and CEO of Splashwire, will be speaking about how to align your IT strategy and evolve your business. This will include adherence to regulatory compliance standards, critical business application integration, leading IT operations, how to deliver annual employee training, and more!

More speakers and topics coming soon. If you are interested in speaking, please contact our VP of Marketing, Joe Dufner, by clicking here!


For more information on the event or to become a SPONSOR - please contact our VP of Marketing, Joe Dufner, by clicking here!

Remember to register for the event for FREE by clicking here!